BrownStone Community Healthcare Centers (BrownStoneCHC) was founded in 2008 and managed under the name of The BrownStone Project, LLC (TBSP). In 2017 the company initiated a name and trademark change to the current entity. BrownStoneCHC is staffed by doctorate, licensed and master level professionals, totaling more than 50 years of clinical experience. The company has served consumers in eight counties in the Atlanta metropolitan area, through community-based, behavioral health interventions. BrownStoneCHC provided Core services, specializing in behavioral health and substance abuse counseling via outpatient and community intervention.
Commitment to Individuals and their Families:
Our services are organized to meet the needs of the individual with the individual and their family, an integral part of the treatment team... It is our belief that recovery is achieved, and wellness is maintained by the engagement of natural support; therefore, it is our job to teach the skills and establish the linkages necessary for individuals and their treatment partners to maintain resiliency on their own.
BrownStoneCHC recognizes that minority populations are at least bi-cultural, and that this status creates a unique set of mental health and substance abuse issues, which the system must be equipped to respond. Thus, the system must sanction, and in some cases, mandate the incorporation of cultural knowledge into practice and policy-making.
1. Consumers who have mental illnesses and/or substance abuse problems shall be treated with dignity and respect, as they have the same needs, rights and responsibilities as other citizens. Thus, these individuals should have the same access to opportunities, supports and services to help them live successfully in the community.
2. BrownStoneCHC services shall help consumers to empower themselves, focus on strengths, maintain a sense of identity and enhance self-esteem. Services should help people develop their potential for growth and movement towards independence.
3. BrownStoneCHC services shall meet the special needs of people with mental illness and/or substance abuse problems who are also affected by one or more of such factors as: old age, physical disability, homelessness, the AIDS virus and/or involvement in the criminal justice system.

Our Offerings
We offer a diverse, professional, reliable, and ethical staff that provides evidence-based treatment via community-based services. Call us today to get services started for yourself or someone on your caseload. We appreciate your trust in our agency and look forward to working with you soon!
Our Mission
To increase the quality of life of our consumers and their families by developing customized programs and services, using a community-based approach for implementation.